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Himokilan Island

The largest of the 4 islands with 2 ports. The long-drawn-out island is inhabited of many families. Kindergarden and school is present, but the highschool on the main island (Leyte) is used . The dive usually started from the boat; directly at the reef edge or, if the diver is able to swim the distance of 200 meter from the beach, the dive started right at the beach. The dive out takes place over the all surrounded coralgarden iin the depth of 3 - 15 meters. The zero-time dive ends after approximately 1 hour.

Mostly we adjourn ourselves to an idyllic niche in the rock, which is covered by finest coral sand. This nature-left (private) beach can be attained exclusively by boat. This offshore area is ideally suitable for the beginner or snorkler and is just as well to start the first dive. The reef edge is in approx. 300 meters of the beach and picnic area.

Characteristics: In the north and the south of the island steeply dropping reef edge. North-east to the east a flat dropped area and a scattered coralgarden and islands.

Due to the diversity of species and multiplicity of fish and swarms the southwest range of the island was placed under nature protection as a SANCTUARY. Unfortunately diving, fishing, snorkeling and swimming in this zone is strictly prohibited under menace of high punishments.

But nevertheless this island offers 5 different diving places. Max. basic depth of 180 meters. At the northwest reef is to be counted on different easy currents. We refer, however, to the insight, logic and experiencingness of our visitors and divers and say: 40 meters are enough!.

ungestörte Badebucht auf Himokilan - Einstieg Riffkante - Rastplatz beim Inselhopping - idealer Schnorchelplatz

Landschaft in 8 Meter Tiefe

Badebucht von Himokilan

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